
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I took a healing hiatus. I needed a healing hiatus. Not so much physically, but from a broken heart. On Sept 24, my sweet niece Melissa Noel Gallaher entered into heaven. She had just moved up to Ft. Collins, Co to finish up her degree in Zoology. Sept 18th, it was night, she was crossing the street at a corner without a street light, and was struck by a car full of young men who were not paying attention to the road, but to their cell phones, to the girls in the car next to them and to the open half drank 42oz bottle of Steel Reserve (same alcohol content as wine) in their car.

To Melissa I was always Auntie Bye-bye.When she was just so little, I would pick her up and we would go to fun places and have dinner at exotic places, or just watch movies at my house and cuddle on the couch. I rarely babysat her at her house, hence the name bye-bye. haha.

Melissa was hit & killed by Ryan Marsini, who was an actor on One Life to Live. There seems to have been an awful cover-up with everything and the police and others seem to have been dragging their feet. He was issued a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.

Over the past few months, I have been working on forgiveness. It has been a tough road to maneuver for me. What was the breakthrough for me is remembering that Jesus paid for all of my sins... free of charge. Father God has forgiven me of all ~ who am I to hold another in chains of un-forgiveness?  As I said.... this has not been an easy road, feelings jump in at all hours and stages. I am thankful that I do not have to go by my feelings, but rely on the written Word of God instead.

On Oct 8th we had a wonderful Celebration of Life service back here in Tulsa on the day she was buried and put to rest in Tulsa. I had written a tribute to her. I will post it here and then I will move on~ Cherishing her life, Remembering the good times, and Walking in Forgiveness and Praying for all involved.

She is Gone
By Anonymous

You can shed tears that she is gone
     Or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and wish that she'll come back
      Or you can open your eyes and see all that she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
     Or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
     Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
     Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
     Or you can do what she'd want:  smile, open your eyes love and go on.

I loved picking you up for our ‘dates’ when you were just so small. You and I in my sports car… tearing up Tulsa in only the way us 2 cool single ladies 26 and a half years apart could. The nickname you gave me has stuck all these years!

I always loved when you would just stop by my house, out of the blue, in high school for some hot tea and cookies when you were trying to grow up. I loved hearing about your dreams and could listen to you tell me stories for hours on end.

I will miss the long intense chats that we had online. Some fun, some not so much. I loved that you could be transparent with me and allow me to be honest with you, even when we had to agree to disagree.

I so wished we had lived closer in miles these last few years, but as you always said, we were always close because of our hearts (and our crazy hairstyles). You used to tell me to put my hand on the computer screen and so would you…

You made me promise that I would dance at your wedding one day (in the long distant future as you would say), and that somewhere on me I must wear animal print.
So this week I fashioned together a bouquet for you, with the ivory roses that you said you loved and animal print ribbon that tripped your trigger.  

One day soon we will dance together before the Throne of Grace & Mercy, at the greatest Wedding Feast ever.

Love you babygirl…  Bye for now…
Miss you more...
Auntie Bye-bye.

Selah.......  From a Muse of the Remnant


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  3. Boardman or his girlfriend has once again tried to leave another message on this old blog post. I will not publish it. I typed all of this up in 2011.. It is now 2013. The rants are that of a truly misguided and deeply troubled soul. My niece was killed over 2 years ago.. I miss her dearly each day, but am not engulfed in grief as I was. I surely hope you find peace to calm your troubled mind & soul.

    You will be the one to stand before the Throne of God to give an account of what you did on that fateful day. I will give an account as to my treatment of you. I have forgiven you. Now you must grow up and get on with your life.
