
Monday, November 12, 2012

So Whatchagonnado 'eh?

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."
(James 1:2-4 MSG)
Hello! Seems when life plops some more lemons into your lap, you needed to decide what to do with them.  I mean, you have already made LaDonna's famous Lemon Bars, Lemon pie, Passion tea lemonade, Lemon chicken... you get the picture. 

What am I going to do with more lemons????   I am going to choose Joy and show the love of my Savior even more because I now know it so annoys the enemy!  

I do not like 'processes' at all. I am a bottom line Type A Driver personality. Dish me a problem, I will dish back a quick fix.  Well, sometimes life is a PROCESS, not a QUICK FIX.  Oy.  This past year has been such a learning 'process' for me. I do not like to be still. I like to be movin' movin... I was not able to do that. I have slowly been allowed to up my endurance. And I mean s-l-o-w-l-y. The girls are secretly happy that I am dancing around the house again, even it their encouragement comes out as, "Oh, mom, you are so lame(o) when you do that!"  I choose Joy and dance all the more!

Just a couple of weeks ago, we took the girls to Washington DC to look at grad schools. Caleb had to stay behind due to midterm tests and fun engineering things like that. I was able to walk the Mall where the monuments are! Took me awhile, but I went all the way from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and back and then some more. I had to take breaks to rest a little, but we kept going on! My most difficult time is going uphill, so that tuckers me out fast, but then I just take a little time and catch my breath. I also know my limitations, and avoid them. This is hard for people who are not around me a lot to understand. They tend to try to feel bad for me, when I am having the time of my life!!!  One sweet family friend does not 'walk' anywhere.. she marches, and at full speed ahead! By the end of the day she figured me out. I make my own fun and if I can't keep up with you...don't worry about me... I stop to smell the flowers more than most people these days... and guess what... I love the fragrances!!!  

I had been coming to terms with being a stay at home wife after the 5 surgeries this past year. I am well on the mend and was entering back into society, volunteering, having lunch with friends, meeting the girls for coffee dates. I had some very serious job interviews, but nothing was panning out. I was either over qualified and under-educated or under-educated for a level 1 position (who really needs a Masters to input data... seriously now I have over 30 years of hands on knowledge.) 

Then I was blindsided by needing an additional surgery... in just a few weeks!  

Seems a remnant of Buster is blocking the way for some other small stones to exit. GOOD NEWS is that there are no NEW stones!!!!  See... Joyful!!!!   And the left kidney is stone free!!!  Another reason to be JOYFUL! God is so faithful!!

So now on November 30th, I will once again attack the remnant of Buster...  He and I have been talking. He knows his days are limited. I know the process is almost over, then it will be rest and rejuvenation time... then time to RE-FIRE it up again!!  Woooo hooo!!!  

What process is God leading you through today? No giving up allowed. If you need some help, just give me call or text or email ~ I am here for you. Let's skip on over this while singing... click on to enjoy :o)

A Muse of the Remnant.... Christine