
Sunday, February 26, 2012

No, Really Buster... You have to GO

Hi friends!
Seems that we will have the opportunity to repeat the lithotripsy to the right kidney. Buster did break up, and I have been passing the stone debris, but several pieces of Buster did not break up quite small enough to pass even with the stent. I hear that this is a normal thing to have transpire. 

On March 6th I return to Dr. G's for full x-rays to make sure I have passed all the kidney stone debris that I can, then we will set up for the next (and final) lithotripsy! Woo hoo!  I must say that this procedure is much easier to recover from than full blown surgery. For some reason my mind had not wrapped around the fact that I would still be passing 'stones' of various sizes after the procedure. When it started about 3 days later, I almost panicked... then read back up on it all and took a pain pill and let it happen (like I had a choice. hahahaha). I did save a few... kinda like trophies. hahaha.

All of a sudden the next week I felt terrible. I had no energy, could not tolerate solid food and felt like a Mac truck ran over me again. I called in to talk to nurse Lynne to explain how I was feeling, because if this was part of the healing process, I thought 'so be it'. She said to come in immediately for some tests. 

A few days later I received a call to report to the doc immediately.  Somehow, through the past 3 procedures, my body was attacked with a superbug virus that my body just could not fight off by itself.  I then was told to come in for 5 straight days for 2 shots of an antibiotic that is usually used only via IV. But for me, they would dilute it with lidocaine and then give me the shots so that I would not have to have a hep lock and IV all week. Those shots hurt! Thank Goodness for the lidocaine. I cannot even imagine the shots without it. One in each hip each day for 5 days. But it is just one of those things on my road to recovery.  By the second day of shots, I was already able to eat food again.  Today, I am feeling so much better. God is so faithful.

God is faithful - That is, God is true, and constant, and will adhere to his promises. He will not deceive. He will not promise, and then fail to perform; he will not start anything which he will not perfect and finish. 

The process isn't always fun, but the outcome is going to be amazing!

Signed...  A Muse of the Remnant

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bye, Bye Buster

I had the lithotripsy today at Oklahoma Surgical Hospital at 7am. It went so well!  God is faithful.

The day started with Roy attempting to wake me at 4:50am. 'Attempting' being the operative word there. I couldn't sleep last night for awhile, so I was up getting all of the kids Valentine's packages ready to mail out, writing out some bills and letters, and doing a few things around the house. Sleep finally took a hold of me around 3am. I finally roused shortly after 5am and we headed out. They escort/usher you everywhere at this hospital. You are truly a 'guest' there. Loved it. They even have FREE valet parking for everyone! 

As always, I requested to talk to the anesthesiologist to explain about the vocal cord paralysis and my immediate imitation of Darth Vadar upon falling asleep (snoring loudly in a wheezing fashion which is normal to me now, though alarms people who do not know me). I am always very thorough on this, and let them know sweetly that if they follow the procedures laid out by my doctors, I will not wake up with a tracheotomy.  This guy listened intently and assured me all would be followed.  As soon as he left, my sis-in-love, Stacey who was up there with Roy and her hubby Brian (Roy's brother) said that I scared him so bad that he is going to run away. Haaaaaa.

I was wheeled to radiology for an x-ray then we headed to surgery a little while later. Upon entering the operating room, I am greeted by a grandfatherly type guy who introduces himself as Plan B. He will now be my anesthesiologist. HAAAaaaaa.  Obviously the first guy did not feel up to the task, and I am thankful that God orchestrated it that the 'best' was already in the wings waiting to be guided by the Master Physician. God is so faithful.

Dr. G showed up and tickled my feet and got everyone laughing and in a good mood. Then things became fuzzy and then the mask... and then I woke up in the recovery room, and it was all over. Praise Jesus!  Tube was already out, and vitals were perfect. Now I just had to wait for a Post Op room, and then an hour later I could GO HOME to my recliner!  God is so faithful.

Dr. G said that they:
1. Removed the 2 stents from the left kidney from the previous operations
2. Inserted a stent into the right kidney
3. Blasted Buster and a small cohort in the right kidney
4. Blasted another stone trying to form in the left kidney. Actually he told Roy he 'blasted it to dust'

I am passing some of the blasting debris now, but it is not painful, just annoying.  I am taking pain meds because my back and side area where they did the procedures does feel like it was hit by a Mack Truck and already is bruised, but I know that will cease soon.  God is faithful.

I want to thank you all for your prayers and kind words through all of this. Thank you for helping to hold up my arms when I was weary, like Aaron did for Moses. You are so appreciated and loved.

Philippians 1:3-6  Message Version
Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God's Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.

Signed A Muse of the Remnant....
Christine ~