
Friday, August 27, 2010

Shattered Times

With gas prices so high, foreclosures on the rise, and the price of necessities such as food and electricity increasing, many families are struggling to survive. Struggling to keep food on the table, and a roof over their heads.. and some families are at the breaking point, a point where they are waiting for the final notice on their home. A point where they are asking 'how a loving God could let this happen.'

Like Christ's disciples, at one moment everything seemed to be smooth sailing, and then the next they were fearful for their lives, waiting for the mighty waves to crush their boat and bury them in the depths of its rage. (Matthew 8:23-27)

And like Job, lives seemed to be shattered at an instant, without warning or reason. All at once, everything that could go wrong did. Like Job, many have faced disease, and without health insurance the bills have been too much to bear. And like Job, they wonder what God's plan for them is.

Author and writer, Dr. Wilmington may have said it best when he said, "Did you know that Job was never told why he suffered. The reason he suffered was to silence the devil... and the reason you are suffering now is not because of your sins, not because of your failures, but to silence the devil.." To prove to the devil that you love God not for what He has given you, but for whom He is.

Despite all of the suffering Job went through, God protected him telling Satan he could not take Job's life (Job 1:12), just like God protects all of His children (Psalms 3:3). Remember that God has a plan for you, a plan for success and to glorify Him (Jeremiah 29:11). God is a protector of His children, just like He protected the Hebrews from Pharaoh, fed them with manna, and led them to the Promised Land.

Like Christ's disciples, Job, or even the Hebrews who were once Pharaoh's slaves, we may not understand why these hardships come, and why our faith is shaken. We may never know what is going on in the background of the great scheme of life, but we can know that God is in control, and that He has great plans for us. And like those before us, He will reward us for our faith and our sufferings with blessings greater than we expect or can even imagine... for our God is strength to the poor and needy in distress, and a refuge from the storm.

Today, call to Him to calm the waters in your life, and put your faith in Him that no matter what trials you are facing, He will provide for you and bless you as you serve Him.

Signed.... A Muse of the Remnant

Isaiah 25:14  (New International Version)

You have been a refuge for the poor,
a refuge for the needy in his distress,
a shelter form the storm
and a shade from the heat.
For the breath of the ruthless
is like a storm driving against a wall

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New School Year - New Beginning

A new school year, a new beginning! How fun to dive into a new adventure both feet first and eyes wide open!  Whether our children are just starting kindergarten, entering high school, or leaving the nest for college, our hearts and hopes go with them. 

I invite you to bless your child with this prayer as he or she goes out to face the world.  It can be a unstable scary world out there and the safety of our children is of the utmost importance. 

We want our children to absorb and learn all that they can so that their education elevates them to new and higher levels of achievement... for His Kingdom.  For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, the following is a wonderful way to stand in the gap for them.

Dear God.....Bless all children everywhere today.  
Instruct them...Give them inquiring minds and discerning hearts.  Strengthen them...Give them courage to persevere in all they undertake. Delight them...Give them the gift of joy and wonder in all things.  Befriend them...Give them laughter and love to share with all.  Guard them...Give them protection and safety as they move out of our embrace.  Love them...And give them sure and certain knowledge of your unfailing love.  Amen.

Signed.... A Muse of the Remnant 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On Eagles Wings

The eagle is the king of birds, it soars the highest into the heavens. It is very interesting how the eagles are taught the use of their wings.

 High up on a ledge on the rock, where there is an eagle's nest with its treasure of two young eagles. See the mother bird... with her beak push the timid birds over the precipice. The young eagles flutter and fall and sink toward the depth below. She sees and knows all along what is happening at all times and swoops down, spreading abroad her wings, she catches them and takes them, bearing them on her wings, and so, as they ride upon her wings, brings them to a place of safety.

At times you fear and tremble, as all your strength fails, and you feel utterly weary and helpless.  All He asks is that you should sink down in your weariness and wait on Him; and allow Him in His Jehovah-Strength to carry you as you ride upon His wings to safety.

Signed... A Muse of the Remnant

Isaiah 40 27-31  New Living Translation

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
The will soar high on wings like eagles.
The will run and not grow weary.
The will walk and not faint.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank You For My Voice

Today, I thank God for the gift of my voice. Let my writing and vocal gifts be a living illustration of God's generosity. Let all who hear and read, hear and see the voice of the Father.

May my words, written, sung, spoken, or whispered be those of the Holy Spirit working through me. Thank you, Lord for making me an instrument of your will.

Signed...A Muse of the Remnant